Sai Global Kids School with CBSE curriculum is imparting high standard education at Puri having started by a renowned educationist, lawer, journalist and social worker Late Prafulla Chandra Mishra in the year 2016 which was named and styled as Global Kids School has now reached a new height of academic, excellence with the active support of many educationist and social activists of Puri. The school building and other infrastructure are provided by the parent society Srikhstra Chintan Chakra having a management to control for smooth functioning of School. Now the school is full fledged Pre-school providing all facilities which is unique in Puri town. The student are encouraged and prepared by a team of dedicated and qualified teachers to excel not only in academic but also in the field of sports, yoga, dance and music and other branches of physical, mental and moral education. The school is famous for imparting education with minimum cost in comparison to other English Medium School at Puri Town for which the management has decided to extend and open Std.I to Std.II in the year 2020 to give respect the demand of the Public. The teachers and staffs are encouraged and assisted by the Governing Body for smooth administration and better management. The school functions in a cordial atmosphere with continuous interaction of parents and teachers which has helped in creating a peaceful environment resulting in purity of thought and action.
The school has developed a greeny playground having many more toys within the boundaries for safety of the students as well as the teacher along with CC TV surveillance.
Sai Global Kids School always greets and welcome in the entry print to have greater success.